  • 2023年3月29日
  • 3分钟阅读

BET9官方APP下载 Wins Gallup Exceptional Workplace Award

Prestigious List Features Only 57 Organizations Across the Globe

BET9官方APP下载荣幸地宣布,公司获得了 2023年盖洛普杰出工作场所奖 (GEWA) – an accolade that spotlights the most engaged workplace cultures in the world. 根据盖洛普, GEWA winners are recognized for their ability to challenge the status quo 和 “transform workplaces by putting people at the heart of their business strategies.”

This year, Gallup selected just 57 companies worldwide to receive the prestigious award. 今年的荟萃分析包括超过2.7 million employees across 54 industries 和 utilizes criteria from Gallup's Q12 survey, 对员工敬业度进行排名, specific business metrics 和 commitment to the organization. 

"We are incredibly honored to be recognized among the top organizations in the world for providing an exceptional workplace for our more than 80,企业控股在全球拥有超过5000名员工," BET9官方APP下载 Senior Vice President of Global Human Resources 雪莱Roither 说. "Jack Taylor founded this organization on the lasting idea to ‘take care of your customers 和 your employees first, 其他的一切都会随之而来,’ so this award is fitting recognition for our continued focus on creating an exceptional place to work 和 grow your career.”

Gallup emphasized the importance of employee engagement 和 its intrinsic tie to strong business results in a 新闻稿 这说明, “这些卓越的工作场所, 2023年盖洛普卓越工作场所奖得主, 事实证明,即使在一些最具挑战性的时期, strong cultures are resilient -- they find new ways to get work done 和 meet customer needs. These organizations continued to make employee engagement a cultural priority in their business strategy, 和 they maintained record levels of employee engagement while achieving or exceeding their business goals.”

BET9官方APP下载, 与附属企业车队管理公司一起, drives employee engagement 和 retention numbers through a variety of programs 和 initiatives, 包括:


  • 我们的年度, global employee engagement 和 inclusion survey Your Voice Counts, which helps ensure all employees have exp和ed opportunities to share thoughts 和 ideas.
  • Organically driven Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) that help meet the unique, 当地运营集团的多样化需求, support the passions 和 unique perspectives of employees as well as offer networking, advancement 和 education opportunities particularly for women, 黑人员工和LGBTQ+社区.
  • A Management Training Program that helps entry level employees gain h和s-on experience running a business, 授权团队并提供卓越的客户服务.
  • Our long-held promote-from-within culture which helped approximately 20,000 of our employees gain promotion or take on new challenges in various positions throughout the world in FY22.
  • Communications that are designed promote engagement such as quarterly global Town Hall meetings 和 our employee-facing mobile app, 脉冲, which fosters internal communication across the organization.

除了, the organization has placed significant emphasis on 多样性、公平和包容 (DEI) initiatives to create a more equitable 和 inclusive workplace, 包括形成一个三层, global DEI council in 2020 that helps draw perspectives a multi-dimensional membership 和 develop a strategy that embeds DEI across the organization as well employee engagement 和 participation in DEI trainings 和 curriculum.

点击这里 for more information on the Gallup Exceptional Workplace Award.

BET9官方APP下载’ subsidiaries 和 franchisees, together with its affiliate, 企业车队管理他管理着一支由2人组成的多样化船队.1 million vehicles through an integrated network of more than 10,000 fully staffed neighborhood 和 airport rental locations in more than 90 countries 和 territories. 由圣泰勒家族私人持有. 路易斯,BET9官方APP下载管理 企业租车, 全国汽车租赁公司阿拉莫 品牌.

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企业控股是一家领先的供应商 移动解决方案 包括租车, 车队管理, 车, 中型客运共乘, 车租赁, 奢侈品租赁, 零售汽车销售和车辆订购, as well as travel management 和 other transportation technology services 和 solutions, 让顾客的出行更便捷. BET9官方APP下载’ subsidiaries 和 franchisees, together with its affiliate, 企业车队管理他管理着一支由2人组成的多样化船队.1 million vehicles through an integrated network of more than 10,000 fully staffed neighborhood 和 airport rental locations in more than 90 countries 和 territories. 由圣泰勒家族私人持有. 路易斯,BET9官方APP下载管理 企业租车, 全国汽车租赁公司阿拉莫 品牌.