  • 2023年3月30日
  • 3分钟阅读

Enterprise Holdings Foundation 道路前进 Initiative Returns to Drive Childhood Literacy in Irish Schools

Over 3,500 Students From 91 Primary Schools to Receive a Copy of Frankie's World by Aoife Dooley

The second year of the Enterprise Holdings Foundation “前进道路”倡议,与…合作 爱尔兰儿童图书协会,最近在圣. Brigid’s Girls National School in Glasnevin, Dublin (Irel和).

道路(尊重), 机会, 成就, Diversity) Forward program is a €47 million global initiative funded by the Enterprise Holdings Foundation that aims to address the widening 机会 gaps across three key focus areas – early childhood development, 你的健康 & 健康与事业 & 大学做准备. In Irel和, the 道路前进 focus has been on childhood literacy in schools.

More than 3,500 students from 91 schools will receive their own copy of 弗兰基的世界, a graphic novel, by Aoife Dooley, a former student of St. Brigid’s Girls National School in Glasnevin. Told with humor, heart 和 fun illustrations, 弗兰基的世界 follows its protagonist as she navigates school, friendship 和 her experience with autism.

The Enterprise Holdings Foundation is the philanthropic arm of Enterprise Holdings, 哪一个, through its integrated global network of independent regional subsidiaries 和 franchises, 经营 企业租车, 全国汽车租赁公司阿拉莫 品牌.

“We are delighted to bring the “前进道路”倡议 back for another year, after witnessing first-h和 the excitement 和 enthusiasm from the school children last year," 企业租车 Irel和 Managing Director Brendan Grieve said. "We are further building on the success of the initiative, almost doubling the number of books we will distribute this year 和 giving back to as many communities across Irel和 as we possibly can.

“前进之路代表着尊重, 机会, achievement 和 diversity; principles we place at the center of everything we do at Enterprise 和 哪一个 I hope pupils in schools around the country will take away from the incredible insight in this book. I am grateful to 爱尔兰儿童图书协会 for supporting us with this exciting project, 和 to the many Enterprise employees across Irel和, who’ll be at the forefront of this campaign, delivering the books to children in schools nationwide.”

"We’re delighted to be entering our second year of partnership with Enterprise, following a hugely successful project in 2022," 爱尔兰儿童图书协会 CEO Elaina Ryan said. “这是一项了不起的倡议, 3中受益,500 students at a key point in their reading journeys, 和 弗兰基的世界 is the perfect title to capture their interest. 感谢企业的支持, we can continue to provide these lucky students with excellent stories from diverse perspectives 和 support wonderful Irish creators like Aoife in the process.

In 2022, the program’s partnership with 爱尔兰儿童图书协会 saw the delivery of 1,900 copies of 月球为什么会移动 by Oein DeBhairduin to pupils in 64 schools across Irel和.

BET9官方APP下载管理 企业租车, 全国汽车租赁公司阿拉莫 品牌.

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